Alexander Kock Companies not only have to manage individual projects right, but above all they must implement the right projects. Especially in the current time of crisis, effective project portfolio management (PPM) is a key competitive advantage for enforcing priorities …

Agile, Ambidextrous, and Adaptive – Empirical Findings on Triple-A Portfolio Management Read more »

Kathleen Park In this session, attendees will learn about original research at the intersection of strategy and sustainability and also at the intersection of global project management and global supply chain management, from a top leadership perspective as situated within …

Project Management and Supply Chain Management in Global Markets: The Evolution of Strategy and Sustainability Initiatives from a Top Leadership Perspective Read more »

Research shows that Project Management Offices are still a popular way of providing structure for your organization’s projects and programs. But if you’ve never set one up before, establishing one can be a daunting task. In this presentation we’ll discuss …

Establishing the PMO: What You Need to Know and How Agile and Portfolio Management Fit in Read more »

The presentation discusses how leaders and professionals can identify and assess opportunities and challenges pertaining to energy systems and technologies so they can develop innovative programs that lead to sustainable solutions.  Sustainable energy in the context of sustainability involves meeting the …

The Pursuit of Sustainable Energy in the Context of Sustainability: Creating High-Level Programs for Developing Energy Solutions Read more »

Holly Borowski The project management profession continues to evolve quickly to keep up with global trends and influences impacting how projects should be delivered.  Organizations depend on the Project Economy to rise to these continuously changing challenges and “get things done” …

Global Trends Driving the Project Economy: What Does the Future of Project Work Look Like? Read more »

Objective – What Attendees Will discover When a project is part of a complex program of work, in which a sub-contractor (external or internal) is engaged to deliver critical elements of the overall solution, the “management” aspects of the prime-subcontractor …

Prime Time: Managing Complex Subcontractor Projects with a PMO Framework Read more »