Alexandra Chapman
How Outcomes Thinking Solves the Value Puzzle
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Alexandra Chapman has more than 34 years’ experience in business strategy execution, having worked at an executive level for major Australian and UK companies in the financial services, utilities and engineering sectors. She has guided organizations through major business transformation projects, aligning business processes and technology to deliver what customers value while simultaneously increasing performance and margins. Alex enjoys proving to organizations how easy it is to get business results from projects for the least cost. She is the co-creator of Totally Optimized Projects — TOP® — and the developer of Engineered Thinking™, which dramatically improves people’s ability to process complex problems. Alex is currently a Board member for the Cranfield Australian Alumni Scholarship Foundation Inc. and also Australian International President of the Cranfield Alumni. She holds an MBA from Cranfield School of Management and has been honored by Cranfield University and the School of Management for her services to the university and alumni.
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